Download to a desk top PC. Some mobile devices screw up the download. You cannot take the stress out of life. You can take the stress out of you! Stress is known as the silent killer. Not enough employers or members of the public recognise the signs of stress. Do you recognise your own signs of [...]
Better Golf

Download to a desk top PC. Some mobile devices screw up the download. Improve your score; enjoy each round more and more as you improve your approach, your swing and your putt! Improve your concentration, keep focused, do not allow distraction. Play like your favourite champion golfer. Get some me time, sit down someplace quiet and [...]
Easy Slim

Download to a desk top PC. Some mobile devices screw up the download. Week one listen to me daily as a minimum. Week two listen to me every other day as a minimum. Week three listen to me at least once per week as a minimum. Make the time to listen. You need to make a [...]
Fight Cancer/Dis-Ease

Download to a desk top PC. Some mobile devices screw up the download. I am not making any claims here other than my recording might just help you through a difficult period in your life. Listen to my soothing music and allow my voice in my Scottish accent to filter deep into your sub-conscious mind. Give [...]
Study Improvement

Download to a desk top PC. Some mobile devices screw up the download. Is it exam time? Or should you be prepping for a promotion exam at work? Are you delaying due to lack of enthusiasm or motivation? In order to “win” you need to be enthusiastic. Increase your motivation! Become enthusiastic! Be how you really [...]
Stop Biting Nails

Download to a desk top PC. Some mobile devices screw up the download. Are your nails a mess? Do you hate your nails? You can do something about it. Your choice to do or not to do. Every action is preceded by a thought so change your thoughts with a little help from me. Imagine how [...]
Self Hypnosis with Emotional Release

Download to a desk top PC. Some mobile devices screw up the download. Whatever your difficulty in life is you can make huge improvements to how you feel act and believe by listening to this recording. Change the way you think, act and believe with some help from me. This recording just might help you to [...]
Self Confidence

Download to a desk top PC. Some mobile devices screw up the download. Live the life you dream. Get that new job. Get the promotion you deserve. Make your best man speech with new style and confidence. Increase your own self confidence. Sit back and listen and let your own subconscious mind do it’s wonderful work [...]
Release Tension

Download to a desk top PC. Some mobile devices screw up the download. Are you tensed, coiled inside, pent up and ready to argue instead of accepting? Then you need some help. You need to ease up and let go a bit more or you will do more damage to yourself. Stop heading for a breakdown. [...]
Public Speaking

Download to a desk top PC. Some mobile devices screw up the download. Been here, got the T-shirt. Mind numbing fear. Gripped by panic. Tight throat. Looking for a toilet. Looking for an excuse. And that is just at the thought of being asked to do a speech or a presentation. Not anymore, I love speaking [...]
Overcome Depression

Download to a desk top PC. Some mobile devices screw up the download. What does depression mean? Different things to different people. There is no need to be depressed when with a little help you can make the changes required to improve your life. You can do this with a little help and let’s face it, [...]