Welcome to John Dewar’s School of Hypnotherapy, an internationally renowned school that provides the very best practical, effective, enjoyable and fun training.
I believe learning should be enjoyable and fun.
Through courses in Warwickshire and around the world, John’s professional and friendly nature allows you to develop your skills in your own unique way and at a pace that suits you, so you can become the best hypnotherapist you can be. As a result, this website will be beneficial to you.
John Dewar D.M.H. D.Hyp. CPNLP Dip.SMC SQHP
After many years working in senior positions for large corporate organisations, my introduction to hypnotherapy came when I witnessed for myself its amazing benefits.
My wife had been suffering for years with a condition that was affecting the whole family and yet it was resolved relatively quickly with hypnotherapy (4 sessions).
The speed and effectiveness of this success sparked a great desire in me to learn more and in no time at all I had completed my training and became a qualified hypnotherapist.
Everything I discovered fascinated me and the learning process itself was so enjoyable that I went on to become a Master Hypnotist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist and an NLP Practitioner, followed by certification as an EMDR practitioner.
On gaining these qualifications I was accepted onto the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR) where I achieved my Senior Qualification in Hypnotherapy that recognises the many years and hours of treating all kinds of difficulties.
Since 2006 I have been an accredited trainer and I’m proud to say that my School of Hypnotherapy is now internationally renowned.
Subsequently I achieved acknowledged supervisor status with the GHSc.
Accredited by the GHSc, the school abides by the councils code of ethics which are only exceeded by my own personal beliefs and values; I want your entire experience with hypnotherapy and the school to be the best it can possibly be with personal, ongoing support for life or until retirement.
Accreditation followed from GSMTS; Guild for Stress Management and Trauma Specialists Training.
This is awarded to a limited number of training organisations and had to be preceded by earning acceptance as a UK Registered Learning Provider Member.
UKRLP number 10048797 .
Further accreditation was awarded by The ACCPH.
ACCPH are a professional body for Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Clinical Hypnotherapists.
My school is assessed and accredited at their highest practitioner level 4.